We got an extra inch, maybe two, around this afternoon going into the night. I took the slower way home through the alleys coming out of the Strip into Friendship, then cut through CMU until I got to Schenley Park where I saw these deer moseying across the golf course. That was one of the first times I saw something and thought “Oh wait I do have my camera with me” since gaining access to a Nikon Coolpix (thanks Beryl). At the end of my ride in Frick on Monday, I went past someone who I thought was pulling just a sled behind them but turned out to be a whole ass deer. We made eye contact. Filled with new feeling in my fingertips and that little zest for life that comes from standing around with a bunch of deer (more on that later) I had the extra wisdom to descend Ouroborus and set up my bike for an ‘Under Construction’ picture. Glad I didn’t have an actual puncture: I quickly realized my pump wasn’t blowin’ and I couldn’t over inflate my tube and put it somewhere funny. I ended up playing around with the leather gasket at home to get a better seal. Now it’s almost too good. And I stopped off to meet Quincey, a creature of Opal’s creation from this weekend. I brushed off today’s dusting so he should be able to see what’s going on for the next little while.